Our Ingredients & Nutritional Information
Here is all the essential information you need about Fem21 & Man21's nutritional profiles and individual ingredient dosages.
Check out the actions of each ingredient to see exactly how it can help you on your wellness journey.
Fem21 Ingredients & their doses/10g serve. (*indicates extracts and their equivalent dose per serve)

1. Psyllium (seed husks) 1670mg
Insoluble fibre for healthy bowels.

2. Lemon (fruit) 1000mg
Promotes healthy digestive enzymes.

3. Multi Strain Probiotics + (F.O.S) 1500mg
2.5 billion CFU/serve Probiotic Mix: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri & Bacillus Coagulans. Fructooligosaccharides (F.O.S)

4. Licorice (root) 1500mg*
Supports adrenal health for healthy energy & stress response.

5. Ginger (root) 800mg
Digestive stimulant and supports circulation.

6. Raspberry (fruit & seed) 800mg
Regulates blood sugar, good source of fibre.

7. Pomegranate (fruit & seed) 800mg
Rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory.

8. Barley Grass (sprout) 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.

9. Wheatgrass (sprout) 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.

10. Dandelion Root Powder (root) 500mg
For healthy liver detoxification.

11. Green Banana Fibre (fruit) 485mg
Soluble fibre, calming effect on the bowels.

12. Cinnamon Zeylanicum (Bark) 200mg
Regulates blood sugar levels.

13. Siberian Ginseng (root) 1000mg*
Supports adrenal health for sustained energy.

14. Gotu Kola (leaf & stem) 700mg*
Adaptogen, blood purifier, for healthy skin.

15. Stevia (leaf) 55mg*
To naturally balance the bitterness of the herbs.

16. Chaste Tree Vitex Agnus (berry) 1000mg*
Promotes progesterone balance.

17. Rosemary (leaves) 1000mg*
Supports liver health and excess oestrogen clearance.

18. Black Cohosh (root) 500mg*
To modulate oestrogen levels.

19. Broccoli powder (whole) 500mg*
Rich in antioxidants and supports excess oestrogen metabolism.

20. Bladderwrack (frond) 300mg*
Source of iodine for thyroid health.

21. Milk Thistle (fruit) 1000mg*
Nourishes & supports cleansing of the liver.
Man21 Ingredients & their doses/10g serve. (*indicates extracts and their equivalent dose per serve)

1. Psyllium (seed husks) 3360mg
Insoluble fibre for healthy bowels.

2. Pineapple (fruit) 1590mg
Promotes healthy digestive enzymes.

3. Tribulus (aerial parts) 7000mg*
Male tonic, improves testosterone.

4. Alfalfa (sprout & seed) 600mg
Nutrient rich, improves vitality.

5. St. John's Wort (flower) 6000mg*
Improves mood & supports the nervous system.

6. Wheatgrass (sprout) 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.

7. Barley Grass (sprout) 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.

8. Multi Strain Probiotics 500mg
3 billion CFU/serve Probiotic Mix: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri & Bacillus Coagulans.

9. Ginger (root) 400mg
Reduces inflammation, improves circulation.

10. Lemon (fruit) 330mg
Alkalising, stimulates digestion.

11. Green Banana Fibre (fruit) 870mg
Soluble fibre, calming effect on the bowels.

12. Stevia (leaf) & Natural Flavour 230mg*
To naturally balance the bitterness of the herbs.

13. Dandelion (root) 500mg*
For healthy liver detoxification.

14. Saw Palmetto (fruit) 400mg*
Male tonic, prostate health.

15. Siberian Ginseng (root) 600mg*
Supports adrenal health for sustained energy.

16. Tonkat Ali (root) 500mg*
Male tonic, improves testosterone.

17. Gymnema (leaf) 200mg*
Improves blood sugar levels.

18. Milk Thistle (fruit) 1000mg*
Nourishes and supports cleansing of the liver.

19. Damiana (leaf) 10mg*
Improves mood, male tonic.

19. Ginkgo Biloba (leaf) 300mg*
Improves cognition and circulation.

21. Nettle (root) 50mg*
Prostate health and urinary function.