Fem21 Smoothies

(freeze ingredients into clip lock bags, 1 for each day of the week)
Greens: 1 handful of Mixed greens or kale or spinach
Veggies: broccoli – 2 x florets, avocado - ½
Fruits: banana (frozen) – ½, mixed berries (frozen) - ½ cup
Nuts & seeds: flaxseeds – 1 x tablespoon, coconut oil - 1 teaspoon, sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon
Powder: Fem21 – 1 x scoop, Pea Protein – 20g
Liquid: Almond milk - 1 x cup
On Top: Blueberries, Coconut flakes, Sesame seeds
METHOD: combine all ingredients together in a blender and

Green & White Smoothie:
Green: 1 handful of Mixed greens or kale or spinach, cucumber, kiwi fruit, broccoli, ½ cup coconut water, 1 scoop of Fem21
White: 1 frozen banana, 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds, ½ cup of almond milk
Blend separately, pour in white ½ first, then add green ½

Pink Fertility Smoothie:
- Frozen mixed organic berries. (You can buy fresh berries and freeze them.)
- Almond, rice milk, or coconut water (I prefer these—not big on dairy.)
- Protein powder. (choose natural and clean without additives or soy, such as a pea protein powder or egg white/paleo protein powder)
- 1 scoop of Fem21 powder
- Acai or goji berries
- Handful of mixed organic greens
- 1 teaspoon of Bee pollen (*don’t use is you have a bee allergy)
- Liquid omegas like fish oil, cod liver oil, borage oil or evening primrose oil
- Handful of mixed nuts & seeds (pumpkin, sesame, flaxseeds, brazil nuts)